Which one is the best crypto asset? Well Bitcoin is the best crypto asset ok? What's the second best? There is no second best! There is no second best crypto asset. There's a crypto asset that's called Bitcoin right? Right? There is no second best, ok? It's not, it's not like Google and Facebook. It's not Apple and Amazon. Yeah? We, we can debate Apple or Amazon, what's better? They both look like tech monopolies to me, they both look pretty good. On the other hand, Bitcoin or... no... Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a crypto asset. This entire idea of like 60% dominance is bullshit ridiculous stupid, right? It's stupid, it's not 60% dominant, it's like 96% or 95% dominant right? The thing... If you compare it as a crypto asset to a like-kind of proof of work crypto network right that's meant to be a store of value. You know you're lucky if you find, if you can scrape together 5% of other stuff, in the last bucket so... There is no real competitor.